
Packaging Design

Purple Hippie

Purple Hippie

Purple Hippie isn't your average granola brand. They're a vibrant burst of flavor and health, offering a taste of the good life with every delicious bite. Their commitment to natural ingredients and wholesome indulgence has made them a favorite among health-conscious snackers.

Purple Hippie isn't your average granola brand. They're a vibrant burst of flavor and health, offering a taste of the good life with every delicious bite. Their commitment to natural ingredients and wholesome indulgence has made them a favorite among health-conscious snackers.


Brand Identity
Packaging Designs
Brand Guidelines


Craft a new visual identity that reflects Purple Hippie's organic and natural ethos in a distinctive and memorable way, developing innovative and eco-friendly packaging that emphasizes product quality and sustainability, and enhancing overall brand and product visibility to improve market penetration and strengthen consumer recall.


In reinventing Purple Hippie’s brand, we instituted a strategic design overhaul to foster a distinctive brand presence. Our solution involved the introduction of dynamic typography and meticulously crafted visual elements to enhance readability and brand recognition. We employed a curated color palette that harmonizes with the brand’s energetic and health-oriented image. The restructured packaging design is engineered to captivate and engage, ensuring a strong shelf impact and consumer appeal. Overall, the reimagined brand identity is designed to solidify consumer connection, catalyze market penetration, and amplify brand resonance within the target demographic.

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